Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pet Shelters>>Where you will looking for Pet shelters?

Some people feel that by getting a pet from the pet store they are really getting the best animal they can brag about to their friends. This pet is a purebred bought from a pet store who got them from where? Ophra's show opened people's eyes to what goes on behind the scenes of where some of these pet stores acquired their animals.

Some cases the animals from the pet store have come from puppy mills or a breeding mill where the parents have never seen any human companionship, never been outside a cage, housed in poor conditions, improper medical care therefore leading to behavior problems and health problems that may not show up for months after. Just visiting the shelter can give a person an idea of what kind of animals are there dogs, cats mostly but in some cases other animals are known to end up there as well. The shelters are non profit and welcome volunteers so not only do people suffering from pet loss benefit getting back on their feet but so does the shelters for the help.

Pet shelters were created to deal with the many animals and pets that have been either abandoned by their owners or abused and neglected. It is good to donate some time or money to an animal shelter because they need it. The trained staff at the shelter looks after the animals and tries to rejuvenate the neglected animals and after the animal has been checked by the vet.

By adopting from the shelter or humane society, rescue group etc. you will save the lives of two animals the one you adopt and a homeless animal who's space you freed up by adopting a pet from the shelter. Anyone looking for a pet should look a these places first because the pet they always dreamed about could be there well looked after by the shelter and ready to go home with you. A place where they know they can rest assured will be their home until the end and even then with so many people cremating their pets, purchasing pet urns that provide the comfort, respect their pet deserves and these pets live on in many peoples lives.

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