Thursday, September 24, 2009

Adopt kitten>>Preparation after adopt kitten

Before decide take a kitten to your home after you adopt kitten, there are some preparations you need to do. Because Very risky caring for a kitten that adoption being treated outside the house, so we need to take care of our kitten adoption in the house. If this is what you do, then there are some preparations you have to do in the house before bringing your kitten adoption into your home.

Food and good nutrition.

Choose foods that are good composition. Provide always food on the dinner plate. Always provide fresh food, just served. Do not serve food that is exposed to air for more than 8 hours. Foods that are too long at the plate will contaminated with germs, bacteria, etc., and the disease may be transmitted by flies that, so the cat can catch the disease.

  1. Clean drinking water and must be cooked (preferably Aqua). Beverages must be replaced at least 2 times a day.
  2. Places to eat and drink the new, always cleaned and washed every day.
  3. Bed or a sterile cages and diligent cleaning / washing / drying.
  4. Sand box with sand. Sand boxes should be clean, washed every day. Type of sand for cats there is also a disposable that can be used again after being washed, soaked at least 8 hours and then dried served until dry, when it can be used again.
  5. Equipment for Grooming à Brush, Comb, Special Shampoo cat, towel, Cutton buds to clean ears (using baby oil / Earmite Oil Remedy)
  6. Friends to play, to family members, animals or other cats.
  7. Playground equipment such as balls, ropes, steps
  8. Place to play, run, or climb
  9. Sunlight and air circulation should be good. Ideally, the cat kept in a room, requires 17 times the air change.
  10. A place to scratch can be made of rope or wood.

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