Friday, September 11, 2009

Adopt Dog>>Choose Cute Dog Adobtions

For dog lovers, you are very fond of cute dogs and sweety.I recommend that you save a cute puppy from a dog adopted from a rescue dog, or a shelter dog who was assured. So important that you carefully in choosing a pet shelter or pet rescue.

There are so many shelter dogs / rescue dogs that offers a lot of fun for the dog you have, but to find a pet shelter there are several considerations should be noted.

Shelters are stressful places to visit, with lots of dogs jammed into small, harshly lit, noisy spaces. The surroundings can make dogs depressed, anxious, even manic, so it's often hard to know what they're really like.
Still, it's possible--and so rewarding--to find your new best friend in one of those cages. Here's how to go about it.

Some questions for shelters dog
Keep in mind that you won't always get good answers. Shelters that focus more on animal control than adoption may know very little about the dogs. And an employee who hopes to save a dog who's tugging on her heartstrings may not give you the full story.
Still, these are questions worth asking.

  • Why is the dog here? A stray is an unknown, but if a dog was given up, you'll want to know why. It may have nothing to do with the dog--a move, a divorce, an allergy--or it may be a behavior problem. Behavior problems are often treatable, but it's good to know about them up front.
  • Does the dog have any known medical issues? It's better to know in advance if you'll be facing large vet bills.
  • What's the best thing about this dog? What's the worst thing about this dog? You'll learn more than if you simply ask if a dog is nice or well behaved.
  • Has the dog been temperament tested? Temperament tests try to gauge a dog's personality and catch red flags such as object guarding and aggression. But take the results with a grain of salt: they're more a snapshot of a dog's behavior at the moment of the test than a lifetime guarantee.
i suggest, if you will saving a cute dog from pet rescue, maybe better you choose a not-for-profit organisation Pet Rescue

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