Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cat Behavior - Free Cats With Behavior Problems For Loving Home

Do you know where you can get hundreds of cats for free? It’s your local animal shelter and they are giving away cats for free that have behavior problems!

Sadly this is no joke. The number one reason why cats are given over to shelters by their owners is due to behavior problems. Cat behavior problems is one of the most frustrating experiences for owners and for cats. The two most common behavior problems are litter box problems and excessive aggression.

Cat behavior problems are best treated right away. It becomes increasingly more difficult once the behavior has become ingrained in the cat. Many cat owners don’t seek help until it is too late, and many veterinarians are not trained in cat behavior. Veterinarians mainly focus on medical and surgical problems, but they are starting to realize the importance of offering behavioral services as well.

If your cat has started exhibiting bad cat behavior you should always seek veterinary help first. This should be done to rule out any medical causes of behavior problems, which can be the cause sometimes.

Many people adopt cats from animal shelters wanting to give a cat a good home. Most of the time it works out, but for some new owners this can be a heart breaking experience. If the cat that they have adopted was given up for behavioral problems then they will likely continue in the new home. These types of things are often not preventable because often cats are given to animal shelters with no explanations of why?

If you want to adopt a cat from an animal shelter be aware of what you may experience. Odds are you will likely get a great cat, but sometimes you may not.

wrote By Luke Blaise

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